
Publisher:Office of International EducationRelease time:2022-03-10Viewed:109

A Provincial Bench-marking Faculty

Focusing on Zhejiang digital economy and intelligent manufacturing industry chain, the School of Intelligent Manufacturing (hereinafter the Faculty) has established a specialty group of intelligent manufacturing, which is the Double-High Class A specialty group in the Province with five majors: Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology, Mold Design and Manufacturing (Automobile mold), Industrial Robot Technology, Machinery Manufacturing and Automation, and Mechatronics Technology. The Faculty has national demonstration major, national backbone major, national modern apprenticeship pilot major, provincial famous major and provincial dominant major.

The Faculty has an annual enrollment of 500 students and provides a three-year course of study, with a total of 1,500 students and 63 full-time and part-time teachers. Among the full-time teachers, there are 5 professors, 30 technicians, senior technicians, examiners and senior examiners. Among them, 48% have the title of associate professors or above, 86% have master's degree or above, and the ratio of double-position teachers reaches 92%. There are 1 National Skill Master, 2 National Masters of Technical Skills, 4 National Technical Experts, 1 Provincial Outstanding Teacher, 4 Provincial Specialty Leading Persons in Higher Vocational Colleges, 2 "151" Talents, 4 "131" Talents and 3 Provincial Skill Experts. The Faculty presided over the preparation of 1 national professional standard for higher vocational education, and 2 national resource libraries; won the Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement Award, First Prizes of both Provincial-level National Machinery Industry Steering Committee Teaching Achievement Award, and Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress; presided over a total of 11 national courses, edited and published 36 textbooks listed in national plans for colleges, including 7 national 12th Five-Year Plan and 13th Five-Year Plan textbooks, and undertook 7 national 1+X vocational skill level certificate projects.

The Faculty has created five Industry Academies, five Master Workshops, seven Technology Application Centers and seven Practical Training Bases. The five Industry Academies are Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing Academy, Qianjiang Robotics Academy, Zeiss Precision Intelligent Inspection Academy, Huawei Industrial Manufacturing Internet Academy, and Youcheng Mould Digitization Academy. The five Workshops are Luo Xiaoye National Mould Technology Master Workshop, Yang Rongjin National Electrical Technology Master Workshop, Wu Yuquan National Skill Master Workshop, Song Kaijie Xihu Luban Workshop and Chen Wenjun Xihu Luban Workshop. The seven Technology Application Centers are Zhejiang Precision Smart Manufacturing and Testing Technology Application Center, Machinery Digitization Design and Manufacturing Center, East China KUKA Robot Training Center, German AHK Validation Center, Intelligent Manufacturing System Integration Application Technology Center, National Machinery Industry Vocational Skill Appraisal, Evaluation and Guidance Center (CNC Hangzhou Point), and National Collaborative Innovation Center for Intelligent Manufacturing of Automotive Moulds and Components. The seven Practical Training Bases are Modern Mould Practical Training Base supported by the central government, the National Double-Position Teaching Workforce Model Training Base, the National Model Base for Integration of Industry and Education, the first batch of Chang'an Ford automobile Intelligent Manufacturing Industry-Education Integration Model Base in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Application (KUKA robotics application) Model Base, the National Advanced Manufacturing Technology Promotion and Service Base in Machinery Industry, and Zhejiang Auto Components Smart Manufacturing Integrated Application Virtual Simulation Model Training Base. The public training base for intelligent manufacturing in Dajiangdong, Hangzhou, which is supported by the National Development and Reform Commission, is under construction, integrating industry, college, research, training, competition and innovation.

The Faculty has created three major Vocational Education Alliances: National Modern Mould Talent Cultivation Model Vocational Education Alliance, Sino-German Smart Manufacturing Vocational Education Alliance, and Zhejiang Smart Manufacturing Industry-Education Integration Vocational Education Alliance. Focusing on Hangzhou's digital economy and new manufacturing, the Faculty has cooperated strategically with Hangzhou Qiantang New District, and cooperated with top enterprises such as Chang'an Ford, Gree Electric, Geely Automobile, Dongfeng Yulong, Beijing Jingdiao, Hikvision and Riyue Electric to carry out the 1212-oriented Five-In-One pilot modern apprenticeship system. The curriculum system for the whole life cycle of automobile and communication tools has been established to cultivate top-notch technical and applied talents. The Faculty hosted 17 national and provincial skill competitions at a high level. Our students have won 217 national and provincial skill awards, including 29 national first prizes, 43 national second prizes and 32 provincial first prizes. The employment rate of graduates is over 98%, and they are well-received by enterprises with high technical skills, positions and incomes.

In the future, the Faculty will focus on the digital economy and new manufacturing in Hangzhou, adhering to the culture of great artisan & ultimate inheritance, promoting openness, cooperation, synergy and development, as well as pursuing pragmatism, quality, perfection and innovation to create a leading Faculty that is internationally renowned.
