Online Training on New Energy Vehicle Technology for Malaysia Held at Hangzhou Polytechnic

Publisher:Office of International EducationRelease time:2022-05-18Viewed:419

On April 15, 2022, Hangzhou Polytechnic held successfully online training on new energy vehicle technology for Malaysian students. He Shugui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hangzhou Polytechnic, Cai Taifen, Vice President of New Era Institute of Vocational & Continuing Education, Su Youyuan, President of PTM Institute and representative of Malaysian automotive industry, Li Yueming, Manager of Rui Pan (Beijing) International Education Technology Company and other relevant personnel in charge and teachers from Office of International Education and School of Automotive Engineering attended the virtual opening ceremony.

This was the first time for Hangzhou Polytechnic to implement vocational skills training for Malaysia, which acted as a new exploration of further spreading the stories about Chinese vocational education, better accelerating international exchanges and cooperation during the epidemic, and actively promoting going global in education internationalization.

Pointing out that Hangzhou Polytechnic actively responds to the Belt and Road Initiative, vigorously innovates the form and content of international education exchanges, continuously improves international influence of Hangzhou Polytechnic, and greatly facilitates forging Hangzhou into a world famous city, He Shugui highlighted the need for in-depth cooperation with Malaysian colleges and universities in such fields as teacher training and student exchanges to jointly open a new chapter in cooperation and development.
