Online Training on Applied Electronics Technology for Thailand Held Successfully at HZPT

Publisher:Office of International EducationRelease time:2022-06-24Viewed:336

On May 27, 2022, HZPT held an online training for Thai teachers and students on applied electronics technology. He Shugui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hangzhou Polytechnic, Niti Nachit, Director of Bureau of Vocational Education Standards and Qualification, Li Yueming, Deputy Manager of Rui Pan (Beijing) International Education Technology Company, and relevant personnel in charge and teachers from Office of International Education and School of Internet of Things Technology attended the opening ceremony. A total of 109 students from 40 colleges of Thailand participated in the training.

He Shugui extended warm welcome to the leaders of the Thai educational departments and teachers and students of Thai colleges participating in the training, and introduced HZPT from its history, majors, international cooperation and characteristics of applied electronics technology. Pointing out that School of Internet of Things Technology will continue to implement the going-out strategy to better serve the Belt and Road Initiative and to provide Thai teachers and students participating in the training with rich theoretical knowledge of applied electronics technology and brand new online course experience, He Shugui stressed that HZPT will continue to maintain exchanges and cooperation with Thai colleges through various activities, further broaden the path of education internationalization, and strive to make great progress and new breakthroughs in international exchanges and partnership.

Niti Nachit expressed his thanks to HZPT on behalf of Thailand. He said that the training provided a valuable learning opportunity for Thai teachers and students, built a broad platform for talents cultivation in the field of applied electronics technology in Thailand, and laid a solid foundation for talents exchange between China and Thailand.

Noting that the online training mode has become one of the primary ways to promote education internationalization during the period of regular epidemic prevention and control, Lei Caihong, director of Office of International Education, said that this training illustrated the fruitful accomplishments of HZPT in applied electronics technology and expected to maintain long-term cooperation with relevant vocational colleges in Thailand in the future and jointly write a new chapter of international exchange and cooperation.

The Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) after this training sent a letter expressing thanks to HZPT for meticulous organization and full preparation.
